What is Polycarbonate?

Polycarbonate sheets are clear, impact-resistant sheets made from thermoplastic polymers that incorporate carbonate groups in their chemical structure. These polymers consist of plastic material, which heat can be applied to alter their form. In short, polycarbonate sheets can be customized and shaped in a variety of ways, making them beneficial to many applications. What is…

How to connect LED with SMPS?

Throughout our experiences we found out that most LED strip light products operate on low voltage DC. Common DC voltages used are 12V and 24V.First and foremost, check that the power supply is rated for the correct voltage that matches the LED strip voltage. Under-voltage to the LED strip will result in the LED strip…

Protecting Ourselves

After 72 days of strict curfew rules & regulations imposed inMauritius due to the novel Coronavirus, we are slowly rebuildingand resuming.Throughout the curfew, our team has been studying how thevirus evolved and the measures that we could be taking in orderto protect our business, our employees, our customers andfriends. During these difficult times, internationally, regionallyand…